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ObjectUtils API


Assign the common property between 'target' and 'source'.

  • type: function

    function assignCommonProperty(target: object, ...sources: (object | null | undefined)[]): object;
  • example

    import { ObjectUtils } from "@shihongxins/utils";
    const target = {
      a: "1",
      b: "2",
      c: {
        d: "3",
      e: "4",
      f: null,
    const source = {
      a: 1,
      b: null,
      c: {
        d: 3,
      get e() {
        return 4;
     * @return {
        a: 1,
        b: null,
        c: {
          d: 3,
        e: 4,
        f: null,
    console.log(ObjectUtils.assignCommonProperty(target, source));